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 kings and queens of England part:2

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
liza simpson
مـراقــب عـــام --[Virus]--
مـراقــب عـــام --[Virus]--
liza simpson

ـالمشاركاُتٍ : 1117
ــالعًمُرٍ : 33
تًآإرٍيِـِخٌ ـآلتًسَجٍيِلٌ : 25/10/2009
السمعة : 17601
ـمزاجكـ اليومـﮱ : kings and queens of England part:2 Fine

kings and queens of England part:2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: kings and queens of England part:2   kings and queens of England part:2 Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 31, 2010 4:35 pm

The House of Plantagenet
Henry II
Held a Great Council (Parliament) at Windsor in 1175. Buried at Fontevraud, France. 1154 1189
Richard I
(Richard Coeur de Lion)
Placed Windsor Castle under the care of Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, who was attacked here in 1190 by William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, and who captured the Castle. Buried at Fontevraud, France. 1189 1199
(of Magna Carta fame) Buried at Worcester. 1199 1216
Henry III
Completed the walls around the Castle by building the west end and the three towers in the Lower Ward. He also built a chapel on the site of the present Albert Memorial Chapel, and the adjoining cloister and also the tower now known as the Henry III Tower. Buried at Westminster Abbey. 1216 1272
Edward I
Known as the 'Hammer' of the Scots, he brought the Coronation Stone to Westminster, created his son first Prince of Wales, and commemorated death of his first wife, Eleanor of Castile, by erecting memorials at each halting place of the funeral procession from Nottinghamshire to Westminster - the Eleanor Crosses.
Edward I stayed often at the Castle and made Windsor a Free Borough and granted the town its first Charter in 1276. Buried at Westminster Abbey.
Edward II
Stayed at Windsor regularly, some of his children were born here. He was routed at Bannockburn, and murdered in Berkeley Castle. Buried at Gloucester. 1307 1327
Edward III
Born at Windsor, and known as Edward of Windsor. He pulled down a great part of the old Castle and rebuilt it on stronger lines. The Round Tower, Edward III Tower, the Norman Gateway, King John's Tower and several other important parts of the Castle were built by Edward.
Plunged England into fruitless '100 Years War', his son, The Black Prince, was most renowned warrior in Europe. Buried at Westminster Abbey.
Richard II
Courageous but unbalanced. Ultimately deposed. Died mysteriously in Pontefract Castle. Buried first at Kings Langley, afterwards Westminster Abbey.
Dep. 1399
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
اســـــ الذكريات ـــــير
نـائـب الـمـديـر الـعـام
نـائـب الـمـديـر الـعـام
اســـــ الذكريات ـــــير

ـالمشاركاُتٍ : 8203
ــالعًمُرٍ : 46
ــاألدُوًلة : •ღ ،،حِكَآيّةُ نَبّضٍ تَرّوْيها الحُرُوفْ،،•ღ
تًآإرٍيِـِخٌ ـآلتًسَجٍيِلٌ : 21/11/2009
السمعة : 26842
ـمزاجكـ اليومـﮱ : kings and queens of England part:2 Fine

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: kings and queens of England part:2   kings and queens of England part:2 Emptyالأربعاء سبتمبر 01, 2010 2:42 am

kings and queens of England part:2 Get-4-2010-a6l725dl
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
liza simpson
مـراقــب عـــام --[Virus]--
مـراقــب عـــام --[Virus]--
liza simpson

ـالمشاركاُتٍ : 1117
ــالعًمُرٍ : 33
تًآإرٍيِـِخٌ ـآلتًسَجٍيِلٌ : 25/10/2009
السمعة : 17601
ـمزاجكـ اليومـﮱ : kings and queens of England part:2 Fine

kings and queens of England part:2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: kings and queens of England part:2   kings and queens of England part:2 Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 10, 2010 4:59 pm

thanks alote
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رومــانــســي فعال
رومــانــســي فعال

ـالمشاركاُتٍ : 107
ــالعًمُرٍ : 33
ــاألدُوًلة : العراق
تًآإرٍيِـِخٌ ـآلتًسَجٍيِلٌ : 30/06/2010
السمعة : 15761

kings and queens of England part:2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: kings and queens of England part:2   kings and queens of England part:2 Emptyالسبت يناير 29, 2011 8:38 pm

kings and queens of England part:2 Thankyou
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
liza simpson
مـراقــب عـــام --[Virus]--
مـراقــب عـــام --[Virus]--
liza simpson

ـالمشاركاُتٍ : 1117
ــالعًمُرٍ : 33
تًآإرٍيِـِخٌ ـآلتًسَجٍيِلٌ : 25/10/2009
السمعة : 17601
ـمزاجكـ اليومـﮱ : kings and queens of England part:2 Fine

kings and queens of England part:2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: kings and queens of England part:2   kings and queens of England part:2 Emptyالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 12:15 pm

thanks alot
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

kings and queens of England part:2

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